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Resources for students and faculty at MCUTS

Welcome to the MCUTS (Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies) Research Guide! 

This guide serves as a starting point for research during your time at MCUTS. You will find tips and resources related to your areas of study or MCUTS concentrations. If you need additional help, please contact a librarian.

Here is some helpful information for success in college:

  • Set Goals
    • Remember why you started or went back to school. What do you want to accomplish? Write your goals down and keep them in a place you see often.
  • Time Management
    • Remember to keep a balance in your life. Schedule a time for studying and school work but also time to have fun and relax.
  • Organization
    • Keeping track of notes and assignments will help with your stress levels. Use a planner and write down when things are due. Organize your paper and digital files.
  • Be Prepared
    • Sometimes life doesn’t go according to the plan. Don’t stress! Know that the unexpected is not the end of the world and there is always a solution.
  • Use Your Resources
    • We all need help sometimes. Research Coaches can help you with research, your professors are a great resource, also your classmates can be a great source of help and support.

Instruction Librarian

Profile Photo
Amber Owrey
The Logos, The Library at Union University
Office 105
Subjects: MCUTS