Here is a list of helpful tips when using scholarly books for research.
- Use the index and table of contents. Reading the entire book is not necessary in order to use it for research. Instead, look at the index or table of contents to see if your idea/concept/topic is mentioned. If it is, read the chapter that contains that idea/concept/topic in order to get the context.
- Look at the author. Do a quick Google search to see what information on the author you can find. (This can be tricky if the person has a fairly common name - make sure you find the right person).
- Look for books with a list of references. Research based books will have a list of references that you can look at to find more sources on a particular idea/concept/topic.
- Take notes. While you can't write in a book, it's always a good idea to have a notebook or a Word document on your computer in which to take notes for research. You won't always be able to remember which source contained what information. So taking notes while you read and evaluate a source is helpful.