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Communication Arts

Subject Databases

Newspaper Databases

General Databases

Print Journals

The Union University library subscribes to some print journals which will be of interest to students and researchers. These print journals can be found in the Periodicals Reading Room on the first floor of The Logos.

  • Communication Arts
  • L' Orbs
  • Paris Match

Online Journals

Union has communication arts journals available online. These can be accessed by clicking the "Journals By Title or Subject" link on the library homepage. To search for a specific journal title, simply type the title of the journal in the search bar. If we have access to this journal options for access will appear under the journal title on the results list.

You can also search for available journal titles by subject. Simply click the subject (communication and mass media) you wish to search and journals will populate the results list alphabetically. 

Some of the journals available online include:

  • Atlantic Journal of Communication
  • Discourse and Communication
  • Editor and Publisher
  • Journal of Film and Video
  • Quarterly Journal of Speech