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What is Turabian/Chicago

The Turabian citation style is a style that organizes and presents bibliographic information in either footnotes or endnotes along with a bibliography.  It closely resembles the Chicago citation style which has two ways of presenting bibliographic information - in notes and a bibliography or in an author-date style.  Please check with your  professor to determine the correct style of citation that is being used for your assignment(s).

Turabian Examples

Here are two general examples of citing sources in a bibliography using the Turabian citation style.  For more detailed help, please see the Turabian handbook A Manual for Writers and the "Turabian/Chicago Help" box. 

Chicago Examples

Here are two general examples of citing sources using the Chicago Manual Style citation.  For more details and further help, please see the Chicago Manual of Style guidebook and/or additional help from the "Turabian/Chicago Help" box. 


Chicago Manual of Style