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What is Zotero?

This guide will be updated periodically to reflect the library's transition to Zotero. More information will be provided on this guide. 

Zotero is a free online citation management tool that allows you to manage citations and references for research. You can use Zotero to:

  • store and organize references used in research
  • collaborate with others
  • create bibliographies
  • keep references with full text articles
  • annotate and make notes on digital versions of articles

The purpose of this guide is to give you information on how to use Zotero in your research projects/assignments. You will need to install the connector application on your browser (works with Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Chrome) as well as the stand alone program in order to utilize Zotero.

Use the tabs in this guide to help set up your account and use Zotero in your research. 

Go to to get started. 

Creating an Account

Downloading Zotero

Use the following steps to download Zotero:

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Download".
  3. The next page will give you the option to download the stand alone program. To do so, click "download" under Zotero 6 for Windows. There is the option to download Zotero on Mac and other operating systems. 
  4. Follow the steps to install the stand alone program on your desktop. 
  5. Once this program is downloaded, go back to and install the Zotero connector on the internet browser of your choice. It can be installed on Safari, Microsoft Edge, or Chrome.  

Creating an account:

To make an account:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Log In". 
  3. Click on "Register for a free account".
  4. Fill in the required information. You can use any email address you want to use. 

Syncing with Zotero

Once you create a Zotero account, you will need to sync your account with the stand alone desktop program. To do this: 

  1. Open your stand alone desktop program. 
  2. Go to "Edit". Then click "Preferences". 
  3. Click the Sync tab. If you aren't logged in to Zotero when trying to sync, you will be prompted to log in to Zotero. 
  4. Enter your username and password. 
  5. Click OK. 

Need Help

Contact a librarian or set up a research coach appointment if you need help creating your account or using RefWorks.

Savannah Patterson

Public Services Librarian

(731) 661-6544

Amber Owrey

Instruction Librarian

(731) 661-5058

Creating a Zotero Account