Make a research coach appointment with a librarian today and get help framing research questions, finding or accessing resources, and citation help. Students can meet with a librarian face-to-face in Jackson or through Microsoft Teams video conferencing.
Zotero is an online and app-based citation management tool. With Zotero, you can organize, save, and annotate references and create reference lists. Zotero also has a word processing application for Microsoft Word and Google Docs that allows you to import in-text and full citations from your Zotero account.
Note to users: Remember when using Zotero, you have ultimate responsibility for the projects and bibliographies created. You will want to proofread all documents to determine the accuracy of the spelling, capitalization, and general formatting. Take a look at the style manual you are using and compare your reference list and notes to the examples in the style manual
For assistance using Zotero, please visit the Zotero Research Guide or contact a Research Coach.
The APA citation style is used mainly in the social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences, nursing, communications, education, business, engineering, and other fields. Check with your professor to see which edition you should use as both editions are being used.