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Germantown Research Guide

Research Coach

Research coach is a service where students can meet one-on-one with a librarian to get help with their research questions.  To meet with a Research Coach, email or call Shirley Harris or Erica Cole.  You can also walk up to the librarians to ask for help in Room 209, the Information Center, on the Germantown Campus.  

Request InterLibrary Loans

Union University is able to borrow items from other libraries when books or journal articles needed by our faculty, staff and students are unavailable at Union.  For students at the Germantown campus needing ILL items, please email Shirley Harris for the ILL request. 


The library at Union has many different tutorials you can watch to find additional help.  There are tutorials for Refworks (a citation tool), certain databases, and literature reviews.  If you are a student in the SOAPS program, there is a playlist just for you with tutorials on how to use the library.  Click on the link below to find tutorials that will give you additional help.  

YouTube tutorials 

Germantown Library Team

Picture of Shirley Harris

 Shirley Harris
Phone: 901-312-1904


 Picture of Erica Cole

Erica Cole
Library/Technology Specialist
Phone: 901-312-1948