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Information and library resources for students and faculty at Union University's School of Pharmacy.

A Sampling of Core Medical Journals

The following is a sampling of online pharmacy journals available to the Union Community. You can find additional online journals using the "Journals by Title or Subject" quick link on the library's homepage. You can then search for a specific journal title or use the subject link and find journals related to pharmacy.

Access American Chemical Society Journals

Table of Contents (TOC) Journal Browser

MEDLINE/PubMed Journal Browser

Browse TOCs (Table of Contents) by journal title via MEDLINE/PubMed.  View the table of contents, abstracts--even the full text articles from journals held by Union University.

Free Health Journals

The following are free electronic journals from the web that do not require any login/authentication process.

PubMed Central
links to a free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature

Free Medical Journals
links to free online full-text journals, including pharmacy and pharmacology titles

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) 
links to free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals